E-Rate Service Provider Download Tool

E-Rate Service Provider Data
The E-Rate Service Provider Download Tool can be used to:
  • View and export Service Provider profile data found in the E-Rate Productivity Center (EPC). This data includes important information regarding the service provider, such as contact information and details regarding the FCC Forms 498, 499 and 473.
Important notes:
  • Data in the tool is updated nightly: changes made in the E-Rate Productivity Center (EPC) will show the following day and changes made in E-File may take an additional day. Please see the "Last Updated Time" for the date the last changes were made.

How to search for service provider profile data:
  1. Click on "More⮟" on the bottom right of the Filters section below to display all filters. 
  2. Use any of the filters to search for the service provider data that you need. For text filters, you can also search by using "CONTAINS" instead of the default "IS".
  3. The data will be displayed in the data table section below the Filters section.
  4. To view descriptions of the available columns in the data, you can click on the "⋮" icon on the top right of the data table section below and then click on "View Source Data"; the descriptions will be in the "Columns in this Dataset" section of the page.
How to export service provider data:
  1. Click  on the "⋮" icon on the top right of the data table section above and click "Export Data". 
  2. Once the download menu is displayed, select "Filtered Data (n rows)" to only download your filtered data rather than the complete dataset.
  3. Click on the "CSV" or "CSV for Excel" button to initiate the download.
  4. Once the download is complete, it will be available in your browser's downloaded files.
How to access the data via API:
  1. To view API access information for this data, you can click on the "⋮" icon on the top right of the data preview table section above and then click on "View Source Data".
  2. On the new page that opens, click on the "Actions" button at the top right. Then select "API" (the third button down) to view the API access documentation links and details.