E-Rate FCC Form 471 Download Tool
- Data is updated nightly.
- Original view: as filed by the applicant.
- Current view: after any modifications.
- You can view a PDF version of each original version form by clicking on the link in the table or by copying and pasting the URL in the text file.
- You will be downloading separate files with all data based on your selections (each filter is unique to each dataset).
- This tool only contains data from FY2016 forward (i.e. only data from the E-Rate Productivity Center, EPC).
Filter, Download, and View Data in this Tool:
- Filter data using the upside down triangle icon that is the first button on the left of the table menu icons.
- Download data using the downward pointing arrow icon that is the middle button of the table menu icons.
- View a link to the Open Dataset for the table in a separate browser tab using the three buttons icon on the right of the table menu icons.
Basic Information
This dataset contains data from the basic information section of each FCC Form 471, including applicant details such as contact information, applicant type, Billed Entity Number (BEN), student count, dollars, and category of service, as well as related information from the E-Rate Productivity Center (EPC).
This dataset contains information about the consulting firms listed within each FCC Form 471, including their name and contact information, as well as related information from the E-Rate Productivity Center (EPC).
Discount Calculations
This dataset contains information about the discount calculations included within each FCC Form 471 and related information from the E-Rate Productivity Center (EPC).
FRN Status
This dataset contains information about the Funding Request Number (FRN) listed within each FCC Form 471 and related information from the E-Rate Productivity Center (EPC).